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Yulia Korovina

Founding Member & Project Lead, Beast Dao

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Her Story

In 2011 when I was at my last year studying Economics of Labour in the middle of  nowhere in Siberia, I've been asked, where do I see myself in 10 years. I had a clear vision: working for an international company at its HQ abroad helping to fulfil it's  employees innovation potential through new technologies. 


Less than in 5 years I've been doing exactly this in Berlin (Germany) and was impressed  by big corps like Toyota, PepsiCo, IKEA I've been working for.  

I have achieved my goal, and decided that I want to fulfil my own innovative  potential and one day build my own meaningful company.  


This is what actually kicked off the journey, that I'm still undertaking and that led me  to the crypto industry.  

BEAST coop DAO is a members-owned project, revolutionizing how we collaborate.  It's a portal to co-create, fund and govern killer products. Our mission is to provide a way people can come and work together on projects they care about!



A friend of mine had introduced me to Bitcoin already in 2013. Then I was like: "let's see  how it evolves”. But when in 2017 I was choosing the new industry to start a project at, I  was already sure that the crypto industry is going to be meaningful. Moreover it looked like  a perfect match for me because it combined both my interests in new technologies and  economics, as well as people skills that were and are still relevant for the adoption.  


So, since 2017 I've been building businesses and launching products in the crypto field  and web3 together with brilliant talented people, but we struggled to have something  meaningful, successful and big. And of course, I've been wondering why? Why many  talented, high-skilled and hardworking people can't together build a meaningful, successful  company?  


I started to research this topic, and finally found the answer. In short, the answer is: not  people, but companies (such as VCs, corporates, ecosystem funds etc.) in fact are  building new successful companies, as only they for now can accumulate needed  resources, expertise and connections. If you don't believe me, just look around, you'll see  


Consensys and others � 


But there is a problem with this "company builders": many of them belong to a small group  of people, who are driven by short term gains and don't care about the sustainability of  industry, web3 and people co-building with them and pursuing their passion and dreams.  

Only 2022 year can provide multiple examples: LFG (Luna Foundation Guard), FTX, 3  Arrows, DSG, and I'm also aware of multiple personal stories of founders and passionate  professionals, who after months of hard work were kicked-out by their investors or projects  without shares/tokens they agreed on. 

About Yulia Korovina

Being a part of the crypto industry since 2017, Yulia has done analytical researches,
onboarded newcomers, developed communities, and built few startups and launched
products in the field.

Currently, she is one of the founding members of BEAST DAO that aims to provide a way
for people to come together and to jointly work on projects they care about �
She is driving BEAST members efforts on building PoM (Proof-of-membership) - a
decentralised token-based membership system for communities to help them to make
needed transformation and get more successful, sustainable and autonomous �

So, ”company builders" failed. And hundreds & thousands of builder and achievers  willing to build something sustainable and meaningful in the field are wretched and  disappointed.  


But it shouldn't be like that!  


And I want to provide all that doers and achievers in the crypto and web3 space an  alternative way to build meaningful projects they care about!  

So, to solve the problem described above, together with few more passionate people from  different fields (tech, design, marketing, BizDev, operations) we created BEAST as powerful as a16z, as productive as Consensys, as useful as Gnosis, while in form of  cooperative DAO.  


BEAST coop DAO is a members-owned project, revolutionizing how we collaborate.  It's a portal to co-create, fund and govern killer products. Our mission is to provide  a way people can come and work together on projects they care about!  And to fulfil our mission, we are forming an ever-growing community of technical and non technical builders set to create tooling for Web3 utilising the blockchain technology.  


The 1st tool we decided to build is Proof-of-Membership (PoM) - a decentralized token based membership system for web3 communities. With PoM, collectives can  effortlessly register their unique community to enable minting of personalized &  customizable membership SoulBound Tokens (e.g. john@randomdao) for members, and  increase community cohesion, members engagement, and available resources.  


And I’m super happy that thanks to BEAST DAO members’ cooperation and active  contribution, so far we have managed to build and launch on the Sepolia testnet an initial  version of PoM dApp which is available for anyone to try out!  

If anything from my story sounds interesting, or you may have any questions, or may want  to get involved with BEAST DAO and what we are building, please just reach out to me  personally ( or join our Discord server, where the magic  happens!  


BEAST DAO is always open for more contributors of all backgrounds to join! As now we  are getting ready to PoM launch marketeers and bizdev people who want to build a useful  tool for communities are especially welcome �

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